Seville & surrounding area


HOTEL ALFONSO XIII: Princess Margaret's party in California.

The historic Hotel Alfonso XIII in Seville was chosen as the venue to host a party for Princess Margaret in her trip to the US in The Crown.

In the TV series, this lush party in California was on of the stop Princess Margaret and her husband made when visiting California in the 60’s

The Crown. Netflix

Do you want to behold this magnificent hotel in a tour around Seville? Click here and we tell you all the details! Or even better, do you want to stay the night at this filming location from The Crown when visiting Seville? Book your next holidays here!

If you can afford a visit to this lavish hotel, imagine an American jet set party (with tons of champagne and influential people) being celebrated in its inner courtyard. 

SAN JUAN DE AZNALFARACHE: Princess Alice of Battenberg in Athens.

Near the Guadalquivir river it is located San Juan de Aznalfarache, a small city within the metropolitan area of Seville.

The Crown. Netflix

Decades ago, there was a military area in San Juan de Aznalfarache. But nowadays that same area is known as Nuestra Señora de Loreto neighbourhood. These were the streets that The Crown transformed into Greece in the show.

This neighbourhood became the streets surrounding the convent where Princess Alice of Battenberg, mother of Prince Philip, lived in Athens in the 50’s. A period in time when she was working at the Red Cross.